外资公司工作签证所需资料(Required documents for working visa application for WFOE):
1). 聘请单位的一整套证件如下(A set of hire company’s certificate as following);
a. 营业执照副本 ( duplicate of Registration certificate of the hire company );
b. 组织代码证副本 ( duplicate of company’s Organization code certificates);
c. 一本公司章程(one copy of memorandum and articles of association of the hire company)---首次申请才需要(Required for the first time application)
d. 办公室房屋租赁合同原件(original of office lease contract)---已备案的,且需在有效期内(the lease contract shall be recorded by house management department, and it shall be in the validity period.)
e. 公司公章 (official chop)
f. 法人签名(legal representative’s signature)
{C}2){C}.申请人护照复印件(Passport copy of applicant)---签证页、最近入境章页(visa page and latest stamp page);
{C}3){C}.临时住宿登记表(Temporary Residence registration);
4).工作申请简历(Provide a resume or C.V. Written by applicant);
5).学历证书复印件---须译成中文或英文(The copy of educational diploma---need to be translated into Chinese or English);
6).无犯罪记录---需公证与加签(Police clearance certificate--need to be notarized by the local notarization department and approved by the Chinese embassy or consulate in your country)----不是每个人都需要,须根据具体情况,建议客户准备(not everyone need, just in accordance with specific conditions, it’s best that you can prepare this also);
7). 3张出入境签证需要的免冠大一寸彩色照片和照片回执(Photos and photo receipt);
8).之前任职公司的任职证明文件两份(中英文加盖公章---需公证与加签)(two Employment proofs of the previous company in Chinese&English--need to be notarized by the local notarization department and approved by the Chinese embassy or consulate in your country)
*注意(NOTE):如果申请人为大学本科(含本科)以上学历,需提供累计两年以上工作经历的工作证明(需公证认证);如果申请人为大专以下学历,则需提供累计五年以上工作经历的工作证明(需公证认证)。(If the applicant has a bachelor's degree, he/she shall have over two years work experience and the Employment Proof need to show more than two years (accumulated) work experience; if the educational background is below college, he/she shall have over five years work experience and the Employment Proof need to show more than five years (accumulated) work experience.)
9)验资报告复印件(未注资完成的需要)(If the company haven’t finished the register capital, required to provide the copy of register capital verification report )
10)公司固话、传真、员工姓名、员工联系电话(the telephone number and fax number of company, one staff name and his/her contact number)
11). 3份体检报告(Three physical examination reports)----天河北龙口西路207号电话:020-87537322 (NO.207 longkou xi road,Tianhe district, Tel:020-87537322).
12).办公室照片若干(some photos of office)
13).如果是之前是代表处,现在要换外资公司,还需《外国人就业许可注销证明》的复印件(If the WFOE is changed from RO, required to provide the copy of Cancellation Certificate of Alien Employment Permit)
14).已注销的就业证----如果本来有就业证,但是是其他公司/或者代表处的,跟现在办理的公司不一样的,就要提供已注销的就业证的注销证明原件(If the applicant have holden the employment permit certificate of the other company, he/she need to provide the original of Cancellation Certificate of Alien Employment Permit)